Acceptance Bracelet


Carnelian is a very powerful cleansing and stabilizing stone, wearing it daily can promote health and vitality as it enhances the flow of your life force in the body. In ancient times it was used to protect the dead on the way to the after life; Carnelian gives you courage and promotes positive life choices giving you confidence in yourself and your perceptions.

Carnelian can help combat fatigue by releasing stress, healing your mind and body. Carnelian heals your heart, lungs and liver strengthening your immune system. It promotes fertility in women, lowers blood pressure and stabilizes blood sugar levels. On top of its many healing qualities it helps tune day dreamers to reality sharpening concentration dispelling mental lethargy. This stone is deeply connected to your base and sacral chakras and stimulates the metabolism.


Sm6", Med7", Lrg 8"


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