Aquamarine Properties

Aquamarine is the stone of courage, it was known to be carried by sailors as a talisman against drowning and in ancient times it was said to counteract forces of darkness and procure favour from the spirits of light. It harmonizes it’s surroundings and protects against pollutants.

Psychologically: This stone has an affinity to sensitive people. Aquamarine has the power to help improve your tolerance towards others, overcoming judgementalism. It gives support to anyone who is overwhelmed by responsibility and encourages taking responsibility for ones self, helping your personality become upright, persistent and dynamic defeating old programs and/or toxic habits. This stone calms the mind by removing extraneous thought. It filters the information reaching the brain helping to clarify ones perception, sharpening intellect and clearing any confusion. Carnelian can help bring unfinished business to a conclusion as it filters the information reaching the brain clarifying your perception.

Mentally: It can help with closure at man different levels. It clears blocked communication and promotes self expression. Aquamarine is helpful for understanding your underlying emotional states and interpreting how you truly feel. It soothes fears and increases sensitivity.

Spiritually: Aquamarine sharpens your intuition and opens clairvoyance. It is a great stone for meditation as it invokes a higher state of consciousness, spiritual awareness and encourages service to humanity. This powerful stone shields the aura, aligning the physical and spiritual bodies.

Physically: Aquamarine is known to help heal sore throats when taken as an elixir, swollen glands and harmonizing the pituitary thyroid problems. it also helps regulate hormones and growth. It strengthens the body’s cleansing organs and aids in the jaw, teeth and stomach. it is very helpful for short or long sightedness and calms overreactions in the immune system and autoimmune diseases such as hay fever.

Day: Wednesday

Planet: Neptune

Zodiac: Aries, Gemini, Libra, Scorpio, Aquarius and pisces

Chakra: Throat

Correspondences: Eyes, teeth, neck, spleen, hands, jaw, thyroid, liver, kidneys

Divinatory meaning: Communication

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