Anti-Anxiety Bracelet


Chrysocolla primarily resonates with your throat chakra and helps greatly with communication. It manifests to express words and action. This stone vibrates with the energy of peace. As one of the main crystals of stimulation, prompting one to access intuitive regions of the mind. It can also represent empowerment through helping and teaching others.

Chrysocolla has been used as a therapy for many anxiety-related ailments. It soothes the nerves and can prevent skin irritations such as hives which often result from stress. Those who are prone to emotional outbursts will find that this crystal can diffuse emotional energies. There is an inner peace promoted by this crystal which aids spiritual development. It allows one to transcend focus on material concerns so that spiritual growth can proceed.


Sm 6", Med 7", Lrg 8"


Macrame, Elastic


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