We are All born under a specific Star sign known as our Zodiac sign
Astrology and Zodiac Signs
The etymological root of “Astrology” is derived from the combination of 2 Greek terms: “Astron”, meaning “star” or “stars”, and “Logos”, meaning “study”. Therefore, astrology would be initially defined as the “study of the stars”.
Know that when replying to the question above, you are referring to the position of the Sun on the day and exact moment you were born.
Your Sun sign exerts a strong influence on your personality and emotions. The Sun sign is the place to start when considering your personal map of the sky on the day you were born, which is known as your Natal Chart.
You probably know that the zodiac, aka the astrological calendar, is divided into twelve signs, each sign having strengths, personality traits, and vulnerabilities that define each of us – some of which are quite specific to each zodiac sign.