Aquarius Dates: January 21st-February 18th Symbol: the Water Bearer Element: Fixed Air Ruling Planet: Saturn and Uranus House: 11th Mantra- I Know Body Part: the Shins Colours: Silver and Blue Tarot Card : the Star Gem: Amethyst Flower: Orchid Day: Saturday Lucky numbers: 4,7,11,22,29

Aquarius Traits :
Aquarius Is the eleventh sign in the zodiac. People who fall under this sign tend to be more independent then most signs, they truly have minds of their own and are each incredibly individual. Aquarians often think of the Big picture and don’t jump into things without thought. They are true believers of “we not I” meaning they like to help others around them as well as themselves. Those under this sign are humanitarians, philanthropic, and are intently interested in making the world a better place. Along those lines, they’d like to make the world work better, which is why they focus much of their energy on our social institutions and how they work (or don’t work). Aquarians have energy, warmth, and a deep desire to get things done. They are visionaries and are often trying to come up with solutions and seeing how things can work better.
Like all of the Zodiac signs, Aquarius too has its faults and negative traits. Aquarians can come off very cold, jaded and insensitive to others because they have a less emotional way of looking at things. Although this is one of the more intelligent signs, People born under this constellation can come across condescending to others. Aquarians are all about change, because of this some would say they are unpredictable. although being a visionary is one of aquarians best traits, this can lead them to be overly idealistic, they often find themselves believing nothing less the perfect is okay which can lead to dissatisfaction, frustration and even depression in life.
Aquarius Myth :
The myth corresponding to Aquarius is about a beautiful young prince named Ganymede, One day while Ganymede was tending to his family’s sheep Zeus, a greek god, spotted him. The powerful god was astonished by the prince’s beauty and decided to take him for himself. Zeus transformed himself into a majestic eagle and swooped down grabbing price Ganymede taking him back to mount olympus to serve as his lover/servent. Most gods choose a mortal to be a mentor but Zeus, being used to getting whatever he wants, made Ganymede his personal cup bringer. As compensation for taking his son, Zeus offered prince Ganymedes father the finest herd of horses; he accepted the offering. One day prince Ganymede got fed up with being Zeus’s personal servant and poured out all the gods water and wine (ambrosia) legend says all the water fell to earth causing mass flooding, flooding the entire world. Zeus in a rare moment of self-reflection saw how unhappy the boy was and felt bad from taking him from his family so he decided to give him the gift of immortality by placing him as the Aquarius constellation in the sky.