Aries Dates: March21st- April 19th Symbol: Ram Element: Fixed Fire Planet: Mars House: 1st Mantra: I Am
Body part: Head Colours: Red & Yellow Tarot Card: The Emperor Gem: Red Jasper Flower: Honeysuckle Day: Tuesday Lucky Numbers: 1,8,17

Aries Traits:
Aries are the first sign of zodiac. Which is how people who fall under this sign typically see themselves, first. They are excellent at taking lead and getting things started as they are born under the ruling planet mars, a fire element, so they are often taking action (sometimes without planning). People who are born under this sign are typically very confident in themselves and inspire people around them. With their incredible imagination such an enthusiastic sign doesn’t typically enjoy any repetitive jobs. Often unwilling to compromise their beliefs or ideas, this sign is a symbol of innocence. Aries always seem to be full of positive energy with an optimistic outlook on any type of situation. a very Aries are also said to be extremely brave and meet any challenge head on overcoming any fears they feel limiting self doubt. You can always count on your aries friend to be a good advocate and defend you.
Unfortunately we all have our weaknesses, Aries Being the first sign they are sometimes known to be very selfish. Being a fire sign, Aries can be a little to quick to anger and can get irritated quite easily. They can come across blunt, harsh or even cruel, they like to cut to the chase and not beat around the bushes . Aries can sometimes struggle with being a patient, receptive team player as they aren’t always sensitive to others emotions. Aries don’t like to stay calm and await results they would like them immediately. If they get bored with a slow project they can occasionally leave things unfinished. Aries aren’t always the best people to hear constructive criticism as they see themselves as the best.
Aries Myth:
Poseidon, The Greek God of the seas, turned a beautiful nymph into a ram, so he could distant any other suiters she possibly had. He then became a ram himself to be able to mate with her. The nymph turned ram gave birth to a beautiful golden fleeced Chrysomallus Ram (a ram with wings). This golden ram is most often known for saving young Prixus and Helle, the children of Nephele and Athamas who had been divorced when Nephele returned to the heavens as a cloud nymph and goddess. Athamas’s new wife, Ino, was jealous when she discovered Athamas was planning to pass his thrown down to Prixus, as they had a son together aswell whom she thought deserved the thrown of his father. Ino came up with an evil scheme to get Athamas the sacrifice his own two first born children. When it was time for the corn to be sown, Ino demanded her slaves roast all the grain which had been saved for sowing, rendering it dry and lifeless.The farmers, not knowing this, planted the seeds as normal but were astonished when not a single plant sprouted. Athamas sent a messenger to the oracle, Delphi, to retrieve the answer to the famine. Ino convinced a messenger to lie to Athamas about the answer to the famine, saying Helle and Prixus must be sacrificed to Zeus on mount Laphystium. Nephele herd their evil step mothers plan from the clouds and sent the golden ram down to save her children before they could be sacrificed. While they flew, Helle lost her grip during a storm and fell to the depths of the ocean. Prixus arrived safely to mount olympus where the beautiful ram was sacrificed for is fleece as a gift to Zeus in return for protection. In return, Zeus placed the ram in the sky to be an immortal being.