Capricorn Dates: December 22nd-January 19th Symbol: The Sea Goat Element: Fixed Earth Ruling Planet: Saturn House: 8th Mantra: I Use
Bodypart: Knees Colours: Grey Tarot Card: The Devil Gem: Garnet Flower: Pansy Day: Saturday Lucky Numbers: 5,6,8

Capricorn Traits:
Capricorn is the 8th sign is the Zodiac. Capricorns are said to be born with the purest of souls and are always honest and trustworthy. They have a heart of gold and are genuine and loyal to the core. Capricorns are determined hard workers and do not give up easily. Ambitious, Capricorns look a challenge right in the face and don’t back down to anyone or anything. Those born under this constellation are typically classy, sophisticated and see themselves as superior to others. On top of being trustworthy, They are extremely dependable and great to have as a close friend. Capricorn’s are organized and patient in everything they do, they work with a determination to better all. They tend to be decisive in what they choose to do and are not easily thrown off their game. Most capricorns have a high sense of realism. Generally introverted, this sign is very self- conscious. They always come across calm and collected no matter what they are going through inside. Very resourceful and great at creating new things out of what seems like nothing. If you tell a capricorn they cannot achieve something, they will do it just to prove you wrong and spite you.
Like all signs, Capricorns do have some negative traits. One of the biggest fears for a capricorn is believing they are failing in life. Capricorns are said to have a short fuse and get moody easily over little things most would see as non-issues, yet they are slow to true outbursts of anger. When a capricorn is angry with you, they have a hard time explaining their emotions and find it easier to cut you off and move on then try to talk things out. Those born under this constellation can be snobby, always believing they are in the right and unable to be convinced otherwise and are very stubborn. Capricorns have difficulty letting things go but when you push them to their limit they will walk away without any questions asked. Anyone taking a different root from them are considered a traitor. Once faith is lost in a relationship it is nearly impossible to regain a capricorns trust.
Capricorn Myth:
The ancient greek myth behind Capricornus is about the sea goat, Pan, the god whom created the pan flute. Typhon, a monster, attacked olympus and stole zeus’s power leaving him incapable of protecting himself or the others. After, Pan convinced all the other gods to transform themselves into animals and to hide within the Egyptian dessert so they could. Pan leapt into the Nile river to hide, transforming his bottom half into a sea serpent. Once Typhon gave up his search for the gods and went to look else where, Pan and Hermes flew back up to the heavens to restore Zeus’s power. After, the three of them went on to defeat the monster known as Typhon. Zeus placed Pan into the sky as the immortal constellation, Capricorn, to remember his valiant effort to save the god.