Gemini Dates : May20th-June 19th Symbol: The Twins Element: Mutable Air Planet: Mercury House: 3rd Mantra: I Have BodyPart: Throat
Colours: Green Tarot Card: The lovers Gem: Pearl Flower: Lavender Day: Wednesday Lucky Numbers: 3 & 5

Gemini Traits:
Gemini Is the Third sign of the Zodiac, also known as the chameleon of the zodiac as they quickly change and adapt to any type of situation. This signs symbol is the twins, because they often seem to have to faces as they change to their surroundings. Gemini’s are smart, passionate analytical and funny. People born under this sign are great communicators, and sensitive listeners, they are willing to here you out and see different perspectives. Gemini’s are both extroverts and introverts as they attune to the energy of the people around them.They can be the like of the party or blend with all, their great at bringing dissimilar people together. Gemini’s are an advocate for discord, they form deep bonds with people very quickly but as soon as their bored they’ll leave just as quickly. This sign is very curious about everything and very quick on their feet.
As all the signs, Gemini’s have their weaknesses, they can be a bit superficial as they change to match others energy never truly sharing who they are. Gemini’s can be scared to be left alone so they enjoy a large friend group. They also loose interest in things very quickly, leaving projects unfinished. Gemini’s can be erratic and unable to keep a consistent schedule as they often forget or cancel plans for something they’d rather do, making them flakey and unreliable. Their attention span is as short as a two year olds quickly moving from one thing to the next, this effects their memory as one thing they think is important one minute with be pushed aside for their next great idea. You don’t want to get in a fight with a gemini as they’ll always be the first to start and the last to stop. Gemini’s are easily changed as they aren’t even sure who they truly are.
Gemini Myth:
Gemini is represented by the twins Pollux and Caster, sons of Leda, Although they were twins the boys did not share the same father. Pollux was son of Zeus, and Caster was the son of Tyndarus, The king of Sparta. The boys were the best of friends and spent every day together. When Caster gets old he passes away, Pollux was distraught loosing his best friend and brother knowing he can never be with him again as he he immortal, so he went to his father, Zeus, to ask for help. Zeus doesn’t want to take the life of his son so instead he brings Caster back as an immortal constellation placing both brothers together in the sky to live together forever.