Leo Dates: July 23- August 22nd Symbol: The Lion Element: Fixed Fire Ruling Planet: Sun House: 5th Mantra: I Am
BodyPart: Heart Colours: Gold Tarot Card: Strength Gem: Tigers eye Flower: SunFlower Day: Sunday Lucky Numbers: 7,8, 17

Leo Traits:
Leo is the fifth astrological sign of the Zodiac and is ruled by the sun. Leo is represented by the all mighty lion, and like the animal Leo’s like to be the centre of attention. Like the animal people who fall under the leo zodiac are strong, bold and intelligent. They are fierce and courageous creatures, being born under the sun they are filled with an endless energy. Leo’s have impeccable leadership skills and truly embody the lion as the king of the jungle or leader of the pack. Those born under this sign are extremely protective of those closest to them and feel greatly responsible for the weaker links of their group. Leo’s are very creative and enjoy to show this through movement- meaning they are born dancers. they enjoy bright colours and new and fun activities.
We all have our negative characteristics, for Leo’s one of their main issues is there constant need for recognition. Lions love to be popular and enjoy getting praise from all around them which can sometimes be exhausting. Unfortunately Leo’s can be arrogant as they always want and need to be the centre of attention. They unfortunately often cross the line between being confident to being conceded. Despite taking after these large graceful kind cats Leo’s can be as stubborn as a bull. They also HATE being criticized and tend to burst out in anger if someone judges them. Like most house cats, Leo’s are lazy, they enjoy a restful day stretched out in the warmth of the sun over hard work.
Leo Myth:
Hera, the wife of Zeus was extremely jealous of the demigod hercules’s relationship with his father, Zeus. In spit of their relationship she put a curse on Hercules to make him believe his 3 sons and wife were evil and out to get his, because of this Hercules murdered his family. As punishment for his crimes Hercules was sentenced to 12 labours by Zeus. The first of these labours was to fight and kill a savage lion that could not be harmed by any man made weapon. The lion managed to cut off one of hercules’s fingers during the battle before he lost his life. Hercules skinned the lion with its own claw and made to most protective armour know to man out of it and the head. Zeus placed the Nemean Lion in the sky as a constellation to remember the great battle between him and Hercules.