Pisces dates: February 19th-march 20th Symbol: two fish Element: Water Planet: jupiter neptune House: twelfth Mantra: I believe Body part: Feet, Liver and lymphatics Colours: purple and white Tarot card: the Moon Gem: Aquamarine Flower:Water lily Day: Thursday Lucky numbers: 7

Pisces Traits
Pisces is the 12th sign of the zodiac and is well known for being extremely empathetic towards others. They are the most artistic sign of the zodiac. Their creativity has no boundaries. As they are ruled by planet Neptune they have an artistic talent. They have a unique perspective on the world that allows them to see things in a very creative and artistic way. Pisces is also a very emotional sign, If they see tears, they will likely cry. If they can sense hurt in your voice, it will sadden them also. They will love you unconditionally no matter who you are. Pisces are typically very generous people and always want to share their wealth and joys with others around them. Pisces are sweet people, but they are also known for their attitude and moody tendencies. When they are moody it is best to just give them some space. This watery sign, half of the time are moody and they themselves do not know the reason.
Pisces Myth
According to different versions of this legend, either Aphrodite and Eros turn into fish, two fish approach them and swim them away to safety, or they turn into fish AND two other fish take them to safety. Whichever version you prefer, truth be told, it doesn’t really matter. One way or another, the two escape from Typhon thanks to two fish.
These two fish were later honored by being placed in the heavens as the constellation Pisces. It is for this reason that I tend to believe that there were two fish who were not Aphrodite and Eros, since during Typhon’s assault on Mount Olympus, the other gods turned into animals as well, and were not turned into constellations.