Scorpio dates: October 23rd- November 21st Symbol: The Scorpion Element: Fixed Water Ruling Planet: Mars House: 8th Mantra: I Wish
BodyPart: Reproductive Organs Colours: Maroon and Black Tarot Card: Death Gem: Topaz Flower: Geranium Day: Tuesday Lucky Numbers:3,4,9

Scorpio Traits:
those born under this sign are dead serious to their mission to learn about others. This sign concerns itself with beginnings and endings and is not afraid of either. Scorpio is the 8th sign of the Zodiac, one of scorpios most well known traits is that they are extremely determined and focused. If a scorpio has decided something should be a certain way, it will be. Those born under this astrological sign are very brave and bold and do not turn down a fight, their is no better sign to have on your side during a time of trouble. Scorpio’s are also very faithful, if a scorpio makes you a promise they will keep it. On top of being faithful this sign is great at keeping the peace between people and/or situations. Scorpios have a keep sense of intuition that helps them get to the bottom of things, when they assume things they are typically correct. The Scorpio constellation goes back to babylonian times when it was called “the creature with the burning sting” Scorpio contains the red star, Antares, which means “rival to mars”and is also referred to as the heart of the scorpion.This potent fixed star in seen in many other astrological and magical practices as they have an intense mars-like quality. .Ambitious and passionate about everything they do, Scorpios are said to be one of the most sexual fiery signs of the zodiac. Scorpios are very realistic and down to earth and will hardly ever fake any emotion. Very intelligent and philosophical, this sign makes an excellent story teller or author.
Like all signs of the Zodiac, Scorpio does have some negative aspects. Notorious for holding grudges and resentment this sign can be extremely deceitful to people they do not like. Playing mind games and being narcissistic when they choose. Scorpio’s also tend to struggle with jealousy and envy of others when they do not get their way. If a scorpio is loosing their temper around you, you will know. Scorpio’s easily get obsessed with things or people and have a very hard time letting go when things come to an end. Scorpio’s have an inability to see the complexities of the world often see things in black and white leading them to sometimes act as a self righteous snob. Scorpios cannot change who they are, even if their life depended on it. in this sense they can be quite narrow minded, unable to see others points of view.
Scorpio Myth:
In greek mythology, the scorpion is associated with the death of Orion. The story says the boastful hunter bragged he could kill of of the animals in the kingdom, so the earth goddess Gaia sent a massive scorpion down to stop Orion. They fought but Orion died when the great scorpion stung him on the head. Gaia then placed the Scorpion into the heavens as a reward. Zeus placed Orion in the heavens as well to commend him for his valiant battle.